Akademiska Sångföreningen

The Academic Male Voice Choir of Helsinki

Grundad 1838. Ständigt en föregångare.

Choral Composition Competition



It is our sincere pleasure to announce the jury’s selection of the winners of the Academic Male Voice Choir Composition Competition. We would like to thank all composer for their submissions as well as the jury for their amazing work!


First place and the price of 3 000€ is awarded to the piece Stjärnorna by Ossi Hiltunen
Second place and the price of 2 000€ is awarded to the piece Confutatis Maledictis by Ian Gabriel T. Corpuz
Joint Third place and the price of 1 000€ is awarded to the piece Cum erubuerint infelices by Pilar Miralles
Joint Third place and the price of 1 000€ is awarded to the piece Unseen buds by Óscar Prados

A honorary price of 500€ is awarded to the piece Good Night by Claudio Ferrara
A honorary price of 500€ is awarded to the piece Jag skall vara framme by Erkki Nurminen

Congratulations to all the winners!


Organizer, dates, theme, and prizes

§ 1 The competition is organized by The Academic Male Voice Choir of Helsinki (i.e. Akademiska Sångföreningen), colloquially known as Akademen. Akademen is an ambitious student choir based in Helsinki with a membership consisting mostly of Swedish-speaking students from different colleges and universities in the Helsinki metropolitan area. It is also the oldest continuously active choir in all of Finland.

§ 2 The choral composition competition will be open for submissions from August 1, 2021 until May 1, 2022. The competition is open to all composers worldwide. All entries must follow the competition rules.

§ 3 We are looking for original works for male choir that can be performed for years to come. Competition entries may—but are not required to—relate to Akademen’s anniversary theme (see attachment 1). The composition must utilize a text.

§ 4 A prize pool of 8000 euros will be distributed by the competition jury in a manner they see most fit. The decision cannot be appealed.


§ 5 All works must be between 3 and 6 minutes in duration. There are no restrictions on style or genre, however, all works must be written for a cappella male choir in 4-8 parts. Solo passages are allowed, but the choir should remain the primary focus throughout the work. The submitted work must be a final draft—it cannot be edited after submission.

§ 6 The work must be original, unpublished, and unperformed up until the moment competition results have been finalized.

§ 7 The composer must obtain the rights to all text included in their work.

§ 8 All entries must be submitted under pseudonym. Should a composer choose to submit more than one work, each of these should be submitted under a different pseudonym. The composition shall be sent as a PDF file to komposition@akademen.com or by mail to:
Akademiska Sångföreningen rf
Elisabetsgatan 2
FI-00170 Helsingfors
Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered. The entry must be accompanied by the following information: (i) name of the work, (ii) name of the composer, (iii) the composer’s pseudonym, and (iv) contact information. Additionally, the composer must (v) assure that they have the right to use all text included in their work.

Sheet music copies and learning tracks

§ 9 The Academic Male Voice Choir of Helsinki reserves the right to make copies of the work for the choir and the competition jury.

§ 10 Should a composition be awarded a prize, its composer shall commit to provide The Academic Male Voice Choir of Helsinki with part-predominant learning tracks (for example in the form of MIDI exports to MP3) of the composition.

Jury, selection, and award ceremony

Juryn består av: 

  • Elisa Huovinen, musical director

  • Valter Huldén, president of the choir’s artistic council

  • Saara Aittakumpu

  • Jutta Seppinen

  • Henrik Wikström

Competition results and premiere performance

§ 11 The awarded competition entries will be listed on website of The Academic Male Voice Choir of Helsinki at www.akademen.com no later than September 1, 2022.

§ 12 A selection of the awarded works will be premiered in the spring of 2023 at the 185th Anniversary concert of The Academic Male Voice Choir of Helsinki. The award ceremony will also be held in connection with the anniversary concert. Awarded works may also be performed at separate occasions organized by the choir and its partners.

§ 13 The Academic Male Voice Choir of Helsinki reserves the exclusive performing rights to all awarded compositions until the end of the year 2023. After this period, the composer is free to publish the work should they wish to do so. In addition, The Academic Male Voice Choir of Helsinki reserves the exclusive right to produce the first audio recording of all awarded compositions until the end of the year 2026.


Should you have any questions, feel free to contact radet@akademen.com

Attachment 1 – AMVCH 185th Anniversary theme

The theme for Akademiska Sångföreningen’s 185th anniversary is centered around identity. How do we choose our path regarding the expectations, presumptions, structures, and privileges we have been dealt in life?

  • What do we want to nourish or conceal? What do we want to expand further upon?

  • Are we free to choose our own path regardless of our origin?

  • Who chooses our path? Is it our surroundings? Gender roles? Or is it up to us?

  • Are we unafraid to speak and be our true selves? Are we able to do some honest soul-searching?


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